Tzidkas Hatzadik

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Rabbi Tzadok Hacohen of Lublin, Tzidkas Hatzadik 49: כל אחד ידע שבמה שיצרו תוקפו ביותר, הוא כלי מוכן לאותם דברים ביותר, להיות נקיים וזכים אצלו. ובדברים שהרבה לפשוע בהם, ידע שהוא כלי מוכן להיות דייקא באותו דבר נקי ובר לבב.

“Everyone must know that in that area in which the yetzer hara pulls him the most, he is a most fitting receptacle to become pure and innocent in that area specifically.”[1] In Sefer Zos Brisi p. 56 he elaborates If it seems that you are struggling in this area more than others, then take comfort in the fact that you have the potential to surpass your peers in climbing the ladder of holiness and purity in these matters. Continue your struggle, daven for siyata dishmaya, and ultimately you will rise to a level of kedushah and taharah that you never dreamed attainable.” Vahaeir Eineinu p. 90-91 - "Dispelling a Myth": In fascination we read from Rav Tzadok Hakohen (Tzidkas HaTzaddik, 49): If one particular issue keeps getting in the way, forming an obstinate roadblock, don’t go into reverse. Look again at the signpost. It does not read, ‘dead end’. It says, ‘Here lies your maximum potential for excellence.’ So please drive this way. You have just chanced upon your particular field of endeavor. It is the very purpose for which you were created. עיי"ש.