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See Triggers

From GYE Members

  • Sometimes it has worked for me to prepare myself for specific situations before I get into them.  Like when I have known that a certain set of hours I would be free and probably tempted,  I would take some time before I got there planning my time and what I would do to make it productive, fun, and at least not destructive for myself. For me this didn't work for more than a few days at a time, but it can sometimes buy time until a better plan is reached.[1]
  • Gedarim: This in my opinion is one of the most important parts. What it means is looking at your past falls and seeing the patterns that led to it.Then making gedarim for yourself so as not to get into the position and patterns that cause you to fall. An example is that I realized that most of my falls happen later at night after going on a "semi-kosher" site.So I made gedarim not to be online past a certain time and not to go onto that site at all. A similar idea would be not to use the internet with a locked door etc. @Inastruggle
  • What I found that works for me most, is to stay occupied. Don't allow a situation where you will have extra time on your hands. I found that filling my day with extra sedarim, or a walk with a friend can significantly reduce the chance that you will stumble. #Anonymous1051[2]
    • Keeping yourself busy is crucial to staying clean! I would only watch porn when I was bored... The days I was busy, I didn't have the time... #Shnitzel and kugel[3]