GYE Boosts

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12 Step Program

  • I MADE A MISTAKE 12 Step Program What does Rabbi Coren think is the most powerful Rashi in all of Shas? Note: Rashi in Chulin וטועה הייתי בכך
  • The First Step - I Am Powerless Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier shows us how the famous first step of Alcoholics Anonymous is spot-on with Torah Hashkafa.



See also the headings: Nisyonos, Self Value

  • The Fire Goes Both Ways Rav Ephraim Wachsman speaks about how davka those with the fire of desire in their hearts have the highest potential for the fire of Kedusha. Note: A bit brutal bec. Of the word Rasha. But good stuff - for guys who did extreme stuff
  • Tikkunim over time Change is a Journey Many of us made new year resolutions during the Yamim Noraim but we have trouble making them stick. Rav Yisroel Reisman, a Rosh Yeshiva in Torah Vodaas, discusses how to effect real change over time, especially in areas of Kedusha. Note: Also talks about tikun thru learning
  • What's not in our power and what IS in our power Dealing with Thoughts Rabbi YY Jacobson shares with us the chiddush of the Beinoni. Hashem doesn't expect us to be holistically holy. We are not in control of our moods but we ARE in control of how we react. Note: Didn't listen to this
  • Rav Masya ben Charash Dealing with Urges, Shmiras Einayim, Atittude Rabbi Dovid Tugendhaft brings the fascinating story of Rav Masya ben Charash and also speaks about GuardYourEyes. Note: See also RAV MATYA BEN CHARASH
  • What to convey to a 15 year old? Attitudes Due to Covid-19, GYE has been getting many young teens reaching out for help. They are using digital devices for home-schooling, often without filters, and have lots of time on their hands. This is a recipe for disaster. What can we tell young teens who fell into looking at things they shouldn't have and think they are the biggest reshayim? Note: Teens
  • UNDERSTANDING THE SECRET OF THE YETZER HARA Attitudes How can man--made only of flesh, conquer the Yetzer Hara who is an angel of fire? Note: This is about reaching out for help
  • THE RASHA'S ATTITUDE Attitudes The Djikover Rebbe explains that the rasha is really a tzadik with an attitude problem. THE ELEPHANT TIED WITH A STRING Attitudes Our limitations are often just in our minds. STORY OF THE GLORY Attitudes What was the story behind the great light Rabbi Akiva perceived emanating from Mar Ukvah's face? THE KING IN HIS GLORY YOUR EYES SHALL SEE Attitudes Why was specifically our generation singled out for this huge test?
  • Aba Umna Shmiras Einayim, Attitudes Rabbi Lazer Brody shares a Gemara about an amazing doctor who merited greetings from Heaven every single day! Note: The great sechar!
  • The Lobster's Shell Shmiras Einayim struggles may be uncomfortable at times, but as Rabbi Twerski beautifully explains, being uncomfortable is often the impetus for growth!
  • The DEEP Understanding of Shmiras Einayim Shmiras Einayim, Attitudes The DEEPER Understanding of Shmiras Einayim:* We all know about the mitzva of "Lo Sasuru", but WHY? What's the DEEPER significance behind Shmiras Einayim? Rav Yosef Elefant reveals a beautiful understanding of what "Lo Sasuru" really means.
  • How to be a Tzadik in one Minute Dealing with Urges, Attitude Rav Ephraim Wachsman shows us the amazing power we have in our generation. Note: Talks about the tremendous zechus. Fire!
  • The Last Battle Why it's so hard, good for into Rabbi Yosef Elefant explains why this challenge is the final battle before Moshiach can come. בכף ירך יעקב - this is the last fight
  • You Can Get Out Rav Yisroel Brog speaks about fighting the Yetzer Hara. (one day at a time)
  • Our Weaknesses Become our biggest Strengths Rabbi Fischel Schachter shares how our darkest struggles are the very key to the greatest bracha in our lives! (explains R' Tzadok that your biggest challenge can be develop into your biggest strength, the second half of the clip is unrelated).
  • Box of Creepy Crawly Things Rabbi Moshe Weinberger explains why a true leader can't be perfect.
  • The Two Forces Inside of Us Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier discusses the great battle that takes place in every human being, due to the way Hashem created us.
  • Two Parts to a Man's Soul Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier describes how the two parts inside of us are constantly battling for primacy and suggests how we can strengthen the side of good.
  • LESSONS FROM THE OLYMPICS Success takes years of hard work with many bumps along the way, and it's not "the gold or nothing"!

Yiras Shamayim

  • He's Watching In today's Chizuk broadcast, Rabbi Twerski discusses how to develop an attitude of kedusha.
  • ULYSSES AND THE SIRENS The Greek myth and the lesson for today. By Rabbi Twerski. Connecting to Torah and Middos of Torah are the solution. Have seforim and be involved with them. Learn them and act them.


  • Don't Fear General Chizuk, Despair, Shoftim Rabbi Moshe Tzvi Weinberg shows how we can win the battle, even when the odds seems against us. Note: Don't give up, talks about bad malachim, Hashem will help
  • For This You Were Created Dealing with Urges, I had a fall, Yiush, Why I struggle Rav Ephraim Wachsman encourages us to be happy, even if we struggle with these things our whole life! Note: Talks about amazing zechus - also quotes Tanya
  • DON'T MAKE A TATTOO Let's not become victims of our past. By R' YY Jacobson. (Gives many examples, abuse, trauma, etc. etc. - may not apply to regular members)
  • LESSONS FROM THE OLYMPICS Success takes years of hard work with many bumps along the way, and it's not "the gold or nothing"!

Dealing with Urges

  • The Harder the Better A story from the Chafetz Chaim to encourage us to appreciate davka when the struggle is hard. Note: 100 times more sechar\
  • Realize who we are Motivation, Dealing with Urges Rav Yaakov Hillel says through positive thinking and realizing who we are and the tremendous Koach we all have, we can save ourselves from the nisyonos of today. Note: Because of how important we are… our chasshivus! (musar and chassidus)
  • Just Not Now Dealing with Urges Rabbi Tzvi Sytner shares a powerful tip on how to push off the Yetzer Hara. Note: Delay
  • Don't Think About a Pink Elephant Dealing with Urges Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier suggests ways of dealing with bad thoughts. Note: Didn't listen to this
  • Separating Ourselves from the Tayva Dealing with Urges Rav Yosef Elefant shares what he feels is the cornerstone of avodah in the area of Kedusha. Note: Externalizing the Urge - Lots of Mekoros
  • DOUBLE DECKER BUS ON THE SCALE Motivation, Shmiras Einayim, Dealing with Urges The Toldos Aharon Rebbe describes how our shmiras einayim can actually save lives! Note: Focus on Rewards
  • You Have My Number Dealing with Urges Rabbi Ari Bensoussan shares with us what we can do when the tests feel overwhelming. Note: Mentions 2017. Daven. Nice metaphor.
  • I'M ANYWAY NOT MARRIED Motivation, Dealing with Urges What's the big deal if I don't watch my eyes now, I'll work on it when I get married! Note: Great for 21 year olds
  • EVERYONE'S WATCHING Dealing with Urges Strategies for overcoming challenges. Note: Imagery idea - How all his forefathers are watching, and how everying depends on it
  • THE ONLY ANTIDOTE Learning Torah Without this medicine, we don't stand a chance. Note: Learning Torah - based on Ramchal.
  • Eitzos for Shmiras Einayim Dealing with Urges, Motivation Rabbi Daniel Coren shares two powerful tips on how to keep strong in these areas. Note: Quotes Shomer Emunim, also talks about being busy, delay 1 minute at a time
  • EMBRACING CHALLENGES Nisyonos, Chizuk, Dealing with Urges, Why is it so hard Shmiras Einayim is hard, right? Awesome! That means Hashem is handing us an incredible opportunity! Note: Nes - ארים נסי. Story about R aharon kotler jealous of bochur who had it hard to learn, remember the sechar davka because its hard!
  • Use the Yetzer Hara's Tricks Dealing with Urges Rabbi Daniel Coren shares a powerful strategy for moments of tests. Note: One moment at a time, Delay, Focus on Pros
  • Rav Masya ben Charash Dealing with Urges, Shmiras Einayim, Atittude Rabbi Dovid Tugendhaft brings the fascinating story of Rav Masya ben Charash and also speaks about GuardYourEyes. Note: See also RAV MATYA BEN CHARASH
  • A Powerful Fence Dealing with Urges Rabbi Avigdor Miller zatza"l speaks about making commitments and how to use powerful fences to ensure we stick to them. Note: Short term Shevuah, Or some type of Shevua-Knas of Uncomfortable Cause
  • For This You Were Created Dealing with Urges, I had a fall, Yiush, Why I struggle Rav Ephraim Wachsman encourages us to be happy, even if we struggle with these things our whole life! Note: Talks about amazing zechus - also quotes Tanya
  • Freedom is a Choice Dealing with Urges - Intro Pesach is all about freedom, but do we really have free choice? Rabbi YY Jacobson answers, "the choice is yours!" Note: Talks about conditioning, how the brain works
  • Can laziness be used for the good? Dealing with Urges - Motivation, Why I have urges "They say that every trait can be used for the good, but is this true for LAZINESS as well? Our sages tell us that if the opportunity to sin comes along and one overcomes his desire, he gets the merit as if he did a great mitzvah! And the harder it is, the closer it will bring him to Hashem." Note: Talks about whoever doesn’t do aveira like doing mitzvah
  • IN THE HEAT OF THE MOMENT Dealing with Urges A fantastic technique to survive the Yetzer Hara's attacks. Note: Urge will pass, Daven
  • SMALL EFFORT = HUGE RESULTS Shmiras Einayim, Dealing with Urges (accidental exposure), Nisyonos Great Shovavim chizuk on the power of Shmiras Einayim. Note: Talks about the second look, you can become a tzaddik when you resist, nisyonos
  • Small Fire vs. Big Fire Dealing with Urges, Motivation Rabbi Avi Wiesenfeld enlightens us to how we can keep the fire of kedusha burning inside us. Note: Very fiery!
  • THE THREE SHMIROS Bochurim; Setbacks and Victories; Counterconditioning, Self-Efficacy We can all reach the highest madregos if we work hard on these 3 things. Note: מצטט לב אליהו על שמירת העינים והמחשבה - כל ההתחלות קשות אבל דעו כי ההרגל על כל דבר שלטון
  • ROMAIN LETTUCE Dealing with Urges If we'd internalize that looking at things we shouldn't is like poison for our Neshamot, would we struggle as much?
  • RAV MATYA BEN CHARASH Dealing with Urges What caused the Satan to "faint"?
  • LAUGHING HIM AWAY Dealing with Urges How do I beat my Teivos (desires) when they're so strong?
  • Double Whammy Dealing with Urges Rabbi Yitzchak Feigenbaum speaks about the difficulty of shmiras einayim, and yet, why it's so worth it!
  • How to be a Tzadik in one Minute Dealing with Urges, Attitude Rav Ephraim Wachsman shows us the amazing power we have in our generation. Note: Talks about the tremendous zechus. Fire!
  • KNOWING WHO YOU ARE Dealing with Urges Rav Yaakov Emden gives us a new perspective on _why_ we should fight and why we should _care_. Note: Thinking about our greatness. Just not so charismatic
  • CFC: Connoisseur Focus Counterfeit Motivation, Dealing with Urges How do we figure out what's counterfeit pleasure and what's _real_ pleasure? Learn to become a connoisseur of pleasure. Note: Very nice!, Think of Pros and Cons
  • The Battle is for your Mind Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier explains how the Yetzer Hara gets us to believe we want to do the sin, and how to battle him. (Cognitive distraction. It's hard to know what what you really want, so at the split second you start feeling a craving, replace it with another vivid image).
  • You Can Get Out Rav Yisroel Brog speaks about fighting the Yetzer Hara. (one day at a time like in a war, you must use strategies תכסיסי מלחמה)
  • BITTER OR SWEET? The aftertaste of a bad choice can help us choose right next time! (Recall negative consequences, or CBA)
  • FAINTED UPON READING THE LETTER A story from the Rebbe Reb Zushe and an inspiring message for us all. Rabbi Avi Wiesenfeld. (just say no. think about the incredible maalos that you'll by resisting and more - for the actual advantages, see below Shmiras Einayim > General positive Chizuk.)
  • HEAVY-LIFTING VS. UPLIFTING The Holy Noam Elimelech teaches us a beautiful attitude to dealing with desires. (להעלות את המחשבות)

Dealing with Thoughts

  • What's not in our power and what IS in our power Dealing with Thoughts Rabbi YY Jacobson shares with us the chiddush of the Beinoni. Hashem doesn't expect us to be holistically holy. We are not in control of our moods but we ARE in control of how we react. Note: Didn't listen to this
  • Worse than the Act Dealing with thoughts Rav Yaakov Hillel explains why bad thoughts are so dangerous to our souls. Note: Didn't listen to this
  • CLEAN MINDS Keeping busy Unclean thoughts taint our holy acts as well. How can we keep our minds clean? Note: Importance of thoughts - nice moshol.
  • Avoiding Tests Dealing with thoughts There's no mitzva of "Thou Shall be Dramatic" Note: Triggers, Stimulus Control
  • Who's Thoughts Are Those? Dealing with thoughts Do you ever wonder if the Yetzer Hara is who you really are?


  • The Harder the Better - A story from the Chafetz Chaim to encourage us to appreciate davka when the struggle is hard. Note: 100 times more sechar
  • Shimshon's Tragic Story Chizuk Rabbi Yissocher Frand brings a vort from the Alter of Kelm Note: Don't think we should use
  • EMBRACING CHALLENGES Nisyonos, Chizuk, Dealing with Urges, Why is it so hard Shmiras Einayim is hard, right? Awesome! That means Hashem is handing us an incredible opportunity! Note: Nes - ארים נסי. Story about R aharon kotler jealous of bochur who had it hard to learn, remember the sechar davka because its hard!
  • ***LIGHTING A MATCH Shmiras Einayim, Chizuk, Motivation, Sechar, Nisyonos Great chizuk for Shovavim. As one member recently wrote us, "Rabbi Wiesenfeld's positive hislaavus is contagious". כל הבא דבר ערוה לידו - עושה לו נס! חפץ חיים - אין קץ למתן שכרו, עוד מקורות


  • You Can Get Out Rav Yisroel Brog speaks about fighting the Yetzer Hara. (talks about addiction)


  • "JEWISH GUILT" I had a fall There are two types of guilt; one is healthy while the other is the most UN-Jewish thing in the world!
  • Unhealthy Guilt Guilt Rav Yisroel Reisman sheds light on why people feel more guilty in these areas, and whether that's a good thing or not.


  • The Harder the Better A story from the Chafetz Chaim to encourage us to appreciate davka when the struggle is hard. Note: 100 times more sechar
  • EMBRACING CHALLENGES Nisyonos, Chizuk, Dealing with Urges, Why is it so hard Shmiras Einayim is hard, right? Awesome! That means Hashem is handing us an incredible opportunity! Note: Nes - ארים נסי. Story about R aharon kotler jealous of bochur who had it hard to learn, remember the sechar davka because its hard!
  • SMALL EFFORT = HUGE RESULTS Shmiras Einayim, Dealing with Urges (accidental exposure), Nisyonos Great Shovavim chizuk on the power of Shmiras Einayim. Note: Talks about the second look, you can become a tzaddik when you resist, nisyonos
  • ***LIGHTING A MATCH Shmiras Einayim, Chizuk, Motivation, Sechar, Nisyonos Great chizuk for Shovavim. As one member recently wrote us, "Rabbi Wiesenfeld's positive hislaavus is contagious". כל הבא דבר ערוה לידו - עושה לו נס! חפץ חיים - אין קץ למתן שכרו, עוד מקורות
  • Strength to Overcome Rabbi Avi Wiesenfeld shares a story with a powerful message. (if Hashem gives a test, we are given the strength to overcome the test)
    • FAINTED UPON READING THE LETTER A story from the Rebbe Reb Zushe and an inspiring message for us all. (same message. just say no. think about the incredible maalos that you'll by resisting and more.)
  • Do Your Best and Hashem Will Do the Rest Rabbi Avi Weisenfeld brings a beautiful Medrash to illustrate the idea that as long as we do what we can, Hashem will help - even if it seems impossible!
  • Your Best Friend Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier reveals that your worst enemy may really be your best friend. (The Yetzer Hara is like a personal trainer)


  • Adam & Chava's First Nightfall Normalization Rabbi Chanoch Henry Harris talks about the normalcy of falls and new beginnings. Note: Knowing it's common allows us to work on it
  • Like Electricity Why do I struggle Rabbi Avi Wiesenfeld explains why the pull is so strong. Note: He explains it's natural
  • WHAT'S EXPECTED OF US Normalization, Motivation Is Shmiras Einayim and Shmiras Habris something you really CARE about? Note: I think this is more for married guys, try your best, you don't need to be perfect
  • AM I A LOSER? I had a fall, Dealing with Setbacks, Normalization A parable from the Yesod Veshoresh Ha'Avodah about falling and getting back up. Note: Moshol of horserider, skiing etc. - talks how he reacted to someone who opened up to him
  • WHO'S THE FREAK? Filters, Normalization? Don't be naive about the nature of these desires. Note: Talks about how common it is… normal to have tayva. just weird that he'll tell a wife to suspect her husband.
  • What to convey to a 15 year old? Attitudes Due to Covid-19, GYE has been getting many young teens reaching out for help. They are using digital devices for home-schooling, often without filters, and have lots of time on their hands. This is a recipe for disaster. What can we tell young teens who fell into looking at things they shouldn't have and think they are the biggest reshayim? Note: Teens
  • WE'RE NOT ANGELS Normalization, Shmiras Einayim, Stimulus Control What is the key to being an erliche Jew? Note: Vort about dancing with pigs, eating girls - story about chofetz chaim. Very strong. Story about Amoraim.
  • The Beauty in the Process Normalization - being Okay with the process, Seasonal "Boost Message in a Nutshell: In spiritual matters, the ""destination"" is not the goal. The very process of growing, with all its ups and downs, is what makes the results so beautiful in the end. So don't worry if your growth seems slow and full of disappointments. As long as you are trying and making progress, the journey itself is the most precious thing in Hashem's eyes!" טעם העץ כטעם הפרי - good for sukkos - normalization


  • You Can Get Out Rav Yisroel Brog speaks about fighting the Yetzer Hara. (it won't help, משביעו רעב)


Top Picks:

  • Audio: LIGHTING A MATCH Shmiras Einayim, Chizuk, Motivation, Sechar, Nisyonos Great chizuk for Shovavim. As one member recently wrote us, "Rabbi Wiesenfeld's positive hislaavus is contagious". כל הבא דבר ערוה לידו - עושה לו נס! חפץ חיים - אין קץ למתן שכרו, עוד מקורות. מכות כג, ב - זכות לבניו אחריו עד סוף הדורות Negatives: It penetrates your neshama. Arizal's metaphor, of someone who lights up the forest with a match. Davka in our generation in the darkness, you can do something small it's bigger than the zechus of previous generations. Salt water metaphor.
    • Notes: The behavior he talks about is Shmiras Einayim in the street. General theme is focusing on the positives of Shmiras Einayim.
  • I'M ANYWAY NOT MARRIED Motivation, Dealing with Urges What's the big deal if I don't watch my eyes now, I'll work on it when I get married! Note: Great for 21 year old.
    • Notes: Talks about why marriage will actually make it harder. The nisoyon does not go away when you stand under the chuppah. Very passionate.


  • What's wrong with pornography? Motivation Rabbi Mordechai Becher shares insights into what Tumah really means. Note: A bit theoretical, but interesting
  • Realize who we are Motivation, Dealing with Urges Rav Yaakov Hillel says through positive thinking and realizing who we are and the tremendous Koach we all have, we can save ourselves from the nisyonos of today. Note: Because of how important we are… our chasshivus! (musar and chassidus)
  • DOUBLE DECKER BUS ON THE SCALE Motivation, Shmiras Einayim, Dealing with Urges The Toldos Aharon Rebbe describes how our shmiras einayim can actually save lives! Note: Focus on Rewards
  • THE MARSHMALLOW TEST Motivation, Why is it so hard, Willpower What is the single most important trait for lifelong success? Note: Good for teens too. It's how using willpower, saying no - builds your muscles
  • THAT'S DISGUSTING! Motivation, Maintainence Is it really possible to develop an abhorrence to look at things we shouldn't? Note: Mainly for married ppl I think
  • WHAT'S EXPECTED OF US Normalization, Motivation Is Shmiras Einayim and Shmiras Habris something you really CARE about? Note: I think this is more for married guys, try your best, you don't need to be perfect
  • Eitzos for Shmiras Einayim Dealing with Urges, Motivation Rabbi Daniel Coren shares two powerful tips on how to keep strong in these areas. Note: Quotes Shomer Emunim, also talks about being busy, delay 1 minute at a time
  • The Importance of Kedusha Motivation Rav Ephraim Wachsman dicusses how this struggle is the FOUNDATION of our entire spiritual structure. Note: Problems: Lack of geshmak in davening, depression
  • Give him a finger, he'll take the whole hand Motivation, Seemlingly Irrelevant Decisions "Why would a company would fire their most profitable worker?" Note: Sephardic Style - too extreme, but good story
  • Can laziness be used for the good? Dealing with Urges - Motivation, Why I have urges "They say that every trait can be used for the good, but is this true for LAZINESS as well? Our sages tell us that if the opportunity to sin comes along and one overcomes his desire, he gets the merit as if he did a great mitzvah! And the harder it is, the closer it will bring him to Hashem." Note: Talks about whoever doesn’t do aveira like doing mitzvah
  • The Key to the Heavens Motivation, Shmiras Einayim The Key to the Heavens:* Rabbi Avi Wiesenfeld reveals a secret to getting our prayers answered. Note: Talks about how tefilos are niskabel - quotes rosh?!
  • Small Fire vs. Big Fire Dealing with Urges, Motivation Rabbi Avi Wiesenfeld enlightens us to how we can keep the fire of kedusha burning inside us. Note: Very fiery!
  • Cover your Neshama in Oil Shmiras Einayim, Motivation Rabbi Lazer Brody speaks about how to protect ourselves from the tremendous power of what we see. Note: U rember images forever - explains why.The more you keep shmiras einayim, the less koach the yetzer has over you.
  • CFC: Connoisseur Focus Counterfeit Motivation, Dealing with Urges How do we figure out what's counterfeit pleasure and what's _real_ pleasure? Learn to become a connoisseur of pleasure. Note: Very nice!, Think of Pros and Cons
  • Making It Real Motivation Rabbi Efraim Stauber speaks about how a real relationship with Hashem will help us stay strong when faced with challenges in Shmiras Einayim and other areas.
  • SATAN BEFORE AND AFTER - PSHAT 2 Motivation In boost 301 ( Rabbi Feigenbaum shared with us a beautiful pshat on this teffilah. Here he shares a second INSPIRING pshat. MINING DIAMONDS Motivation We can learn a few important lessons about shmiras einayim from the miners of South Africa.
    • PHARAOH'S CITIES The Yetzer Hara promises us riches, but what does he leave us with in the end?


  • THAT'S DISGUSTING! Motivation, Maintainence Is it really possible to develop an abhorrence to look at things we shouldn't? Note: Mainly for married ppl I think


  • "Between Falls & Growth" Music!, I had a fall In Honor of Chol HaMoed: A music video about falls, growth and guarding the eyes. Sung by Adi Ran and the well known therapist, Mordechai Roth. - English subtitles by GYE. Note: Has subtitles
  • SONG VIDEO: "Save Us from Sin and Tests" Music! "A Gut Moed to all our members! We received this song from one of GYE's Boost members who wrote: ""My name is Yonasan Gavant. I live in Atlanta and I'm a big fan of the daily chizzuk boost on whatsapp. Thank you for your tireless efforts to enhance kedushas yisrael! I'm a chazan and a singer, and I recently recorded a song I composed with the words from the end of Birchos HaShachar: I was thinking that the theme of these words is very much in line with the theme of GYE, and perhaps you'd want to use this song for a GYE daily boost broadcast or in some other context. It would be a zchus for me to donate the song to GYE to use however you see fit and to help inspire klal yisrael.
  • The iPhone Song In Honor of Chol HaMoed: A great song by R' Shalom Muskat; produced by Mendy Fisch of Fishbowl Studios


Problem of Instant Gratification

  • A Battle-Strategy Work-Out Willpowering Building Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit shares a strategy from Rabbeinu Yona on how to strengthen our spiritual muscles and learn to say NO to unwanted desires. Note: Talks about iskafya
  • "FREEDOM": USE IT OR LOSE IT The freedom to choose correctly is like a muscle; our brain develops pathways based on our choices. (Doesn't use the loshon of instant gratification, but the idea is similar)

Rabbi Lardeo

  • You're on Stage Rabbi Yaacov Laredo shares a powerful Gemara about the merit of Shmiras Einayim.
  • Fight to Make Peace Rabbi Yaacov Laredo shares a wise saying from the Sefer Shevet Mussar.
  • Everlasting Merit Rabbi Yaakov Laredo brings a Medrash showing the powerful merit of guarding ourselves in these areas.
  • Effecting the World Rabbi Yaakov Laredo shows us how our own actions affect the world around us.
  • Becoming a Cohen Gadol Rabbi Yaakov Laredo inspires us how to use simple steps to become great.
  • Overcoming Curiosity Rabbi Yaacov Laredo explains how working on our natural curiosity is a big component of shmirat einayim.
  • The Heights of Teshuvah Why does the Bal Teshuvah stand even higher than the Tzadik? Rabbi Yaacov Laredo explains.
  • What Constitutes a Chassid? The saying goes: "A dead fish goes with the flow".


  • The Meaning of Love If we understand the secret of real LOVE, perhaps we won't be as taken by the fake "love" espoused by the world's view.
  • [Searching for food in garbage bins? Rav Yoel Roth bemoans the excessive "prishus" that today's chosson teachers sometimes preach. His view is controversial.]
  • My Wife is Unattractive to Me Yaakov Nadel from GYE shares some inspiration for those who feel unsatisfied with their lot.


  • LIGHTING A MATCH Shmiras Einayim, Chizuk, Motivation, Sechar, Nisyonos Great chizuk for Shovavim. As one member recently wrote us, "Rabbi Wiesenfeld's positive hislaavus is contagious". כל הבא דבר ערוה לידו - עושה לו נס! חפץ חיים - אין קץ למתן שכרו, עוד מקורות
  • The One Gemara You Don't Know Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier talks about the value of holding back. (emphasizes that מרובה מידה טובה! So even for delaying you get tremendous reward!)

Self Value

  • Diamond with a Flaw Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier talks about how the flaws inherent in us make us REAL.
  • THE INDESTRUCTIBLE PORTION There's a part of us that always remains holy.
  • YOUR FATHER WANTS YOU AS YOU ARE Do you really think you're too filthy for your father to love? (Yiddish with subtitles) - beautiful story. Hashem wants US.
  • Box of Creepy Crawly Things Rabbi Moshe Weinberger explains why a true leader can't be perfect.
  • DON'T MAKE A TATTOO Let's not become victims of our past. By R' YY Jacobson. (Gives many examples, abuse, trauma, etc. etc. - may not apply to regular members. Talks about every Yid being a part of Hashem. Don't sell yourself cheap.)
  • Realize who we are Motivation, Dealing with Urges Rav Yaakov Hillel says through positive thinking and realizing who we are and the tremendous Koach we all have, we can save ourselves from the nisyonos of today. Note: Because of how important we are… our chasshivus! (musar and chassidus)


  • Knowing How to Count Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier explains that success isn't measured in the way most people think.
  • Getting Up Off the Floor Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier explains how champions are made. (a girl who fell 20,000 times, 16 year old girl who ended up getting a gold medal.[1])
  • Tikkunim over time Change is a Journey Many of us made new year resolutions during the Yamim Noraim but we have trouble making them stick. Rav Yisroel Reisman, a Rosh Yeshiva in Torah Vodaas, discusses how to effect real change over time, especially in areas of Kedusha. Note: Also talks about tikun thru learning
  • How to Lose Like a Winner I had a fall Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier explains how losing a battle doesn't mean losing the war. Note: Didn't listen to this
  • Don't Fear General Chizuk, Despair, Shoftim Rabbi Moshe Tzvi Weinberg shows how we can win the battle, even when the odds seems against us. Note: Don't give up, talks about bad malachim, Hashem will help
  • Adam & Chava's First Nightfall Normalization Rabbi Chanoch Henry Harris talks about the normalcy of falls and new beginnings. Note: Knowing it's common allows us to work on it
  • Tricks of the Soton I had a fall Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier shares how the Satan's biggest trick is to minimize the severity before the sin, and then greatly magnify the severity after the sin. Note: I think Yaakov says the same idea in a diff. recording
  • AM I A LOSER? I had a fall, Dealing with Setbacks, Normalization A parable from the Yesod Veshoresh Ha'Avodah about falling and getting back up. Note: Moshol of horserider, skiing etc. - talks how he reacted to someone who opened up to him
  • Get right back up I had a fall Rabbi Avi Wiesenfeld brings an interesting Gemara to teach us a lesson about not staying down when we fall. Note: Nice vort
  • CALLING OUT IN TRUTH I had a fall If we slip and look at things we shouldn't, aren't we hypocrites? Note: Not so direct
  • Why Hashem Allows us to Sometimes Fall I had a fall Rabbi Ezriel Tauber explains why Hashem allows us sometimes to fall. Note: Not sure
  • The Satan's Trick I had a fall What's the proper attitude after a fall? Note: Ok, but to graphic?
  • DOUBLE TROUBLE I had a fall Each challenge we get is really two separate tests. Note: Great
  • WHO PAYS FOR THE BROKEN JUG? I had a fall One isn't judged so much for the fall as he is for staying on the floor! Note: Great!
  • "Between Falls & Growth" Music!, I had a fall In Honor of Chol HaMoed: A music video about falls, growth and guarding the eyes. Sung by Adi Ran and the well known therapist, Mordechai Roth. - English subtitles by GYE. Note: Has subtitles
  • Success is Not Defined by Results I had a fall Rabbi Moshe Tzvi Weinberg shows us how to define success. Note: Story of Moshe Sherer, how R Hutner encouraged him - metaphor from Akeida
  • For This You Were Created Dealing with Urges, I had a fall, Yiush, Why I struggle Rav Ephraim Wachsman encourages us to be happy, even if we struggle with these things our whole life! Note: Talks about amazing zechus - also quotes Tanya
  • Dumb Deer I had a fall Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier exhorts us not to allow ourselves to fall into the same trap twice!
  • Dealing With Failure I had a fall In this video broadcast Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier speaks about how to deal with failure.
  • "WHO CAN BE A LEADER?" I had a fall Spoiler alert: It ain't the perfect people!
  • HOW TO DEAL WITH FAILURE? I had a fall The Chozeh of Lublin explains the two types of SATAN, the one in front and the one behind us. Which do you think is more dangerous?
  • FLAT TIRE I had a fall What would you do if you got a flat tire?
  • Tunnel Vision I had a fall How crazy can Taavos make a person act?
  • I BLEW IT I had a fall In what situations do we grow the most?
  • WHO ARE WE SERVING I had a fall A smashing response to the Yetzer Hara, when he make us feel like "what's the use?"
  • The Real Sin I had a fall "We fall sometimes, we're human. So what's the REAL sin?"
  • I'm a failure, so why bother? I had a fall "The Yetzer Hara's favorite tool is to make us feel like we're failures anyway, so why bother? Here are two approaches to battle this LIE in our minds. (1) At any given moment, a person can choose to be either a Tzadik or a Rasha; the past is irrelavent. (2) Ask yourself: ""Is this about me, or about Hashem? Right now, the King's crown is on the floor - and I have the opportunity to pick it up!"""
  • Using Falls for Growth I had a fall The Lubavitcher Rebbe explains why every Jew has ups and downs in their spiritual state.
  • HOW LONG DOES TESHUVAH TAKE? I had a fall The Lubavitcher Rebbe speaks about how one true thought of Teshuvah can turn someone into a Tzadik Gamur, regardless of his past!
  • PICK THE CUP OFF THE FLOOR I had a fall A good moshol (parable) for what to do after a fall, and a lesson from Shaul Hamelech.
  • The Satan Before, the Satan After I had a fall An inspirational take on our Teffilah that Hashem remove the Satan from before and from after us.
  • FALLING FORWARD I had a fall With the right attitude, we can turn slips and falls into growth.
  • STOP LOSS I had a fall Why does one person become a Tzadik, while his friend who was just like him, becomes a rasha?
  • Turbulence I had a fall Rabbi Biderman speaks about a place metaphor
  • THAT'S NOT YOU I had a fall The most dangerous thing is to feel we're lost. Note: The end is not related
  • THE THREE SHMIROS Bochurim; Setbacks and Victories; Counterconditioning, Self-Efficacy We can all reach the highest madregos if we work hard on these 3 things. Note: מצטט לב אליהו על שמירת העינים והמחשבה - כל ההתחלות קשות אבל דעו כי ההרגל על כל דבר שלטון
  • THE "VERY" GOOD LETTER What was Rav Hutner zatzal's response to a bochur who wrote to him about his struggles and failures? Rabbi Avi Wiesenfeld.
    • The Ups and Downs of Life Rabbi Yosef Viener has some good news to share with us about struggles. (We are WINNING the war, ups and downs are normal, there is a nekudas habechira. setbacks pushes the front line back a few yards, as R' Dessler say, get back to where you were and push the enemy in the other direction).
  • New Born Rav Yoel Roth shares a powerful attitude that can help us greatly in the struggle with the Yetzer Hara. (Remember today is a brand new day, forget the past, talk to Hashem,)
  • TURN SIN TO YOUR ADVANTAGE We can be even greater than someone who _never_ sinned, if we use our slips and falls as springboards for growth!
  • LESSONS FROM THE OLYMPICS Success takes years of hard work with many bumps along the way, and it's not "the gold or nothing"! Rabbi Shraga Kallus.
  • A Victory With A But Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier reassures us that even our victories may be blemished and imperfect, and that's still amazing! (Lesson from Avrohom Avinu who according to the Ramban had a "sin", i.e there was a flaw in his passing the nisayon, and still it remains a great act for eternity.).

Great Pep Talks

  • THE SECRET TO SUCCESS A quote to live by, said by a man who experienced it first hand. ("Success consist of going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm"). Very nice video with video footage.
  • Learning How to Take a Punch Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier talks about how every champion needs to know how to take punches.

Social Support

  • Rav Amram Chasidah Accountability Rav Yaakov Hillel talks about the power of these nisyonos, and the way to overcome them. Note: Tells story of R' Itche Masmid with a twist
  • UNDERSTANDING THE SECRET OF THE YETZER HARA Attitudes How can man--made only of flesh, conquer the Yetzer Hara who is an angel of fire? Note: This is about reaching out for help
  • A Good Friend Rabbi Yissocher Frand illustrates for us the importance of having a friend that we can share anything with.


  • EVERYONE CAN FALL Spouses It's never too late or too far gone. Note: A bit too simplistic


  • What to convey to a 15 year old? Attitudes Due to Covid-19, GYE has been getting many young teens reaching out for help. They are using digital devices for home-schooling, often without filters, and have lots of time on their hands. This is a recipe for disaster. What can we tell young teens who fell into looking at things they shouldn't have and think they are the biggest reshayim? Note: Teens
  • Special Message to Today's Youth Teens Rabbi Ari Bensoussan addresses today's teens who believe they can do what they want now and they'll change later.


  • A SPECIAL TIKKUN FOR P'GAM HABRIT Tikunnim for Pgam Habris It might be hard to get up a little earlier, but when you hear this, how can you NOT? Note: Be first in shul
  • Dealing with the Past Erasing Thoughts Rabbi Noam Wagner answers the question: "How to erase from my mind things I've seen in my past?" Note: Do it with light -- hesech hadaas
  • TRANSFORMATIVE VISION Unsee things I've seen, Shoftim Our vision has the power to transform us, for both good and bad. Note: Looking at positive things - מרובה מידה טובה; תשובה מאהבה
  • How to Fix in These Areas Tikunnim for Pgam Habris Rav Ephraim Wachsman shares some unique tikkunim to help us do Teshuvah for p'gam in the area of Kedusha. Note: Not sure where this goes - maybe in lifestyle? צריך עיון
  • Is Teshuvah Possible? Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier discusses where we learn that Hashem will definitely accept our teshuvah. Should I Do Teshuvah? Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier discusses the key question to know when we are ready for Teshuvah.
  • MESSAGES FROM HASHEM Rav Yisroel Brog tells over a story where we can see clearly how physical and spiritual tikkunim (fixing) are directly linked. (a story where someone had problems with his eye surgery, and R' Brog told him to be mekabel to be "mesaken his eyes", and then he was healed.)
  • New Born Rav Yoel Roth shares a powerful attitude that can help us greatly in the struggle with the Yetzer Hara. (Remember today is a brand new day, forget the past, talk to Hashem, )
  • YOUR FATHER WANTS YOU AS YOU ARE Do you really think you're too filthy for your father to love? (Yiddish with subtitles) - beautiful story. Hashem wants US.

Seemingly Irrelevant Decisions

  • The Fox and the Hunters Seemingly Irrelevant Decisions Rabbi Yosef Palacci shares a parable about the Yetzer Hara. Note: Nice metaphor
  • Getting to the Root Seemingly Irrelevant Decisions Rabbi Yosef Palacci talks about the importance of "Avoiding the First Sip". Note: Not so great, talks about sotah etc.
  • Give him a finger, he'll take the whole hand Motivation, Seemlingly Irrelevant Decisions "Why would a company would fire their most profitable worker?" Note: Sephardic Style - too extreme, but good story
  • HOLD THE REINS! Seemingly Irrelevant Decisions "I've been strong in shmiras einayim for a while, so I can afford to relax my guard a little, no?" An inspiring moshol from the Chofetz Chaim (along the lines of last week's boost called "WHO'S LEADING?"

Self Efficacy

  • THE THREE SHMIROS Bochurim; Setbacks and Victories; Counterconditioning, Self-Efficacy We can all reach the highest madregos if we work hard on these 3 things. Note: מצטט לב אליהו על שמירת העינים והמחשבה - כל ההתחלות קשות אבל דעו כי ההרגל על כל דבר שלטון
  • The Yetzer Hara is not Unconquerable Self-Efficacy, Elul, Seasonal Rabbi Avi Wiesenfeld shows us how the Torah knows what we can and cannot do. Note: The Torah talks about דברה תורה כנגד יצר הרע only once - everywhere else we CAN beat the yetzer
  • EVERYTHING IS CHANGING - YOU CAN TOO! Self-Efficacy The break of habits that the Coronavirus has brought is a G-d given opportunity to change the habits we've been trying to change for years!
  • THE YETZER HARA'S PLAYBOOK What was one of the biggest upsets in Football history? Rabbi Michael Rothschild, how the Yetzer Hara brainwashes us that Kedusha is not for us. Really good.

Stimulus Control

  • Buzz Buzz Stimulus Control / Shmiras Einayim Rabbi Yosef Palacci explains why Chazal compare the Yetzer Hara to a fly. Note: Cute take - similar idea in Dear Bochur p. 28!
  • Don't EVER play this game! Stimulus Control Rav Yisroel Brog warns us not to ever play the "Yetzer Hara" game. Note: Cute video!
  • The Titanic Test Stimulus Control Rabbi Yosef Palacci asks, "If we put ourselves into a test and pass, are we heroes?" Note: Don't take a chance!
  • Why It's So Hard Stimulus Control Rabbi Yosef Viener quotes from an interesting Rambam about this desire. Note: Talks about how its common -- good for bochurim
  • Rav Masya ben Charash Dealing with Urges, Shmiras Einayim, Atittude Rabbi Dovid Tugendhaft brings the fascinating story of Rav Masya ben Charash and also speaks about GuardYourEyes. Note: See also RAV MATYA BEN CHARASH
  • WHO'S THE FREAK? Filters, Normalization? Don't be naive about the nature of these desires. Note: Talks about how common it is… normal to have tayva. just weird that he'll tell a wife to suspect her husband.
  • Avoiding Tests Dealing with thoughts There's no mitzva of "Thou Shall be Dramatic" Note: Triggers, Stimulus Control
  • WE'RE NOT ANGELS Normalization, Shmiras Einayim, Stimulus Control What is the key to being an erliche Jew? Note: Vort about dancing with pigs, eating girls - story about chofetz chaim. Very strong. Story about Amoraim.
  • AVOIDING TEMPTATION By Rabbi Yossi Jacobson - How can we avoid the difficult tests? Try this exercise! About avoiding triggers, especially by keeping a busy schedule.).
  • Stay away from the edge of the cliff Rabbi Yosef Palacci speaks about setting up barriers for ourselves.
  • OXEN & TESHUVAH What can we learn about Teshuvah from the Halachos of Tam and Mu'ad (goring oxen)? (The Lubavitcher Rebbe, just like one change can be make a Muad into a Tam, so too with one change, we can become a tzaddik gamur.)
  • GOOD FENCES Are restrictions and fences annoying, or are they for our good?
  • Yichud with Internet? Rav Yaakov Hillel explains why we should use software like or to protect ourselves.

Shmiras Einayim

  • Buzz Buzz Stimulus Control / Shmiras Einayim Rabbi Yosef Palacci explains why Chazal compare the Yetzer Hara to a fly. Note: Cute take - similar idea in Dear Bochur p. 28!
  • DOUBLE DECKER BUS ON THE SCALE Motivation, Shmiras Einayim, Dealing with Urges The Toldos Aharon Rebbe describes how our shmiras einayim can actually save lives! Note: Focus on Rewards
  • The Key to the Heavens Motivation, Shmiras Einayim The Key to the Heavens:* Rabbi Avi Wiesenfeld reveals a secret to getting our prayers answered. Note: Talks about how tefilos are niskabel - quotes rosh?!
  • SMALL EFFORT = HUGE RESULTS Shmiras Einayim, Dealing with Urges (accidental exposure), Nisyonos Great Shovavim chizuk on the power of Shmiras Einayim. Note: Talks about the second look, you can become a tzaddik when you resist, nisyonos
  • Aba Umna Shmiras Einayim, Attitudes Rabbi Lazer Brody shares a Gemara about an amazing doctor who merited greetings from Heaven every single day! Note: The great sechar!
  • Cover your Neshama in Oil Shmiras Einayim, Motivation Rabbi Lazer Brody speaks about how to protect ourselves from the tremendous power of what we see. Note: U rember images forever - explains why.The more you keep shmiras einayim, the less koach the yetzer has over you.
  • The Lobster's Shell Shmiras Einayim struggles may be uncomfortable at times, but as Rabbi Twerski beautifully explains, being uncomfortable is often the impetus for growth!
  • THE LESS YOU LOOK Shmiras Einayim So many people ask, "What can we do that we live in such a promiscuous world?" Turns out, Chazal give us a simple answer.
  • The DEEP Understanding of Shmiras Einayim Shmiras Einayim, Attitudes The DEEPER Understanding of Shmiras Einayim:* We all know about the mitzva of "Lo Sasuru", but WHY? What's the DEEPER significance behind Shmiras Einayim? Rav Yosef Elefant reveals a beautiful understanding of what "Lo Sasuru" really means.
  • WE'RE NOT ANGELS Normalization, Shmiras Einayim, Stimulus Control What is the key to being an erliche Jew? Note: Vort about dancing with pigs, eating girls - story about chofetz chaim. Very strong. Story about Amoraim.
  • MITZVA HABA BE'AVEIRA What should we do if we need to go to a wedding and we know we'll stumble in _shmiras einayim_?
  • BITTER OR SWEET? The aftertaste of a bad choice can help us choose right next time! (recall negative consequences).


  • A HORSE IS JUST A HORSE How do we protect ourselves from the constant triggers that our environment bombards us with? Rabbi Dov Ber Pinson. Two strategies. Avoid situations, or separate the seeing from the narrative. Just see the thing as a thing. Deep & original.
  • WHAT TO DO WHEN SEEING BY ACCIDENT (1) Turn away (2) Praise Hashem for creating beauty (3) Daven for anything you want! Rabbi Avraham Sohayegh

General Positive Chizuk

  • The Key to Fear of Heaven Rabbi Avi Wiesenfeld. (shmiras einayim helps yiras shamayim)
  • The Level we Reach by Watching our Eyes Rabbi Avi Wiesenfeld speaks about the level we reach by watching our eyes.
  • Appreciating our Eyes Rabbi Avi Wiesenfeld opens our "eyes" to the right perspective on using our precious gifts for the right things.
  • Mekabel Pnei Hashchinah "Without a Beis Hamikdash today, can we still be zoche to be mekabel pnei hashchinah? Rabbi Avi Wiesenfeld reveals how we can!"
  • Holy Sparks Rabbi Avi Wiesenfeld talks about uplifting sparks of Kedusha. (through Shmiras Einayim, you can pick up Kedusha of Nitzotzos that we're left behind by others who weren't careful - example of airport).
  • The easy way to become a Tzadik The easy way to become a Tzadik:* Rabbi Avi Wiesenfeld shares the quick route to righteousness. (By resisting you become a tzaddik overnight)
  • Atonement for the Biggest Sins Rabbi Daniel Glatstein shares an insight on the power of atonement we can achieve by guarding our eyes. (It can be mechaper even on aveiros chamuros because he becomes a suma חשוב כמת).
  • The Good Eye Rabbi Dr. Abraham Twerski speaks about what having a "Good Eye" really means. By looking at the right things we avoid chronic dissatisfaction. Ayin Tova guarantees satisfaction with what Hashem gave him.
  • The One Gemara You Don't Know Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier talks about the value of holding back.


  • Why People Struggle with Different Things Why do I struggle Rabbi Zecharia Wallerstein explains the esoteric reasons why some people struggle more than others in specific areas. Note: I think he refers to SSA

Why it's so hard

  • THE MARSHMALLOW TEST Motivation, Why is it so hard, Willpower What is the single most important trait for lifelong success? Note: Good for teens too. It's how using willpower, saying no - builds your muscles
  • EMBRACING CHALLENGES Nisyonos, Chizuk, Dealing with Urges, Why is it so hard Shmiras Einayim is hard, right? Awesome! That means Hashem is handing us an incredible opportunity! Note: Nes - ארים נסי. Story about R aharon kotler jealous of bochur who had it hard to learn, remember the sechar davka because its hard!
  • The Last Battle Why it's so hard, good for into Rabbi Yosef Elefant explains why this challenge is the final battle before Moshiach can come. בכף ירך יעקב - this is the last fight

Why do I struggle

  • The Fire Goes Both Ways Rav Ephraim Wachsman speaks about how davka those with the fire of desire in their hearts have the highest potential for the fire of Kedusha. Note: A bit brutal bec. Of the word Rasha. But good stuff - for guys who did extreme stuff
  • But I Caused This Mess Why do I struggle Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier reassures us that this struggle is not our fault! Note: Didn't listen to this
  • Like Electricity Why do I struggle Rabbi Avi Wiesenfeld explains why the pull is so strong. Note: He explains it's natural
  • Two Types of Tzadikim Why I struggle Rav Ephraim Wachsman once again inspires those who struggle to be happy with their lot. Note: More Tanya
  • For This You Were Created Dealing with Urges, I had a fall, Yiush, Why I struggle Rav Ephraim Wachsman encourages us to be happy, even if we struggle with these things our whole life! Note: Talks about amazing zechus - also quotes Tanya
  • Can laziness be used for the good? Dealing with Urges - Motivation, Why I have urges "They say that every trait can be used for the good, but is this true for LAZINESS as well? Our sages tell us that if the opportunity to sin comes along and one overcomes his desire, he gets the merit as if he did a great mitzvah! And the harder it is, the closer it will bring him to Hashem." Note: Talks about whoever doesn’t do aveira like doing mitzvah
  • IT'S JUST TOO HARD Why do I struggle Could it be that Hashem gives us tests that are just TOO difficult to ever overcome? Note: Talks about Kol Hagadol Meichaveiro
  • Who the Coach Challenges Most Why do I struggle Rabbi Avi Wiesenfeld inspires us with this obvious truth. Note: This can go good with the Coach material for teens
  • SWEETEST TO THE SOUL Why do I struggle Do you wish you wouldn't struggle anymore?
  • Voices In Your Head Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier tries to answer the question: "Why did Hashem create the Yetzer Hara?"


  • THE MARSHMALLOW TEST Motivation, Why is it so hard, Willpower What is the single most important trait for lifelong success? Note: Good for teens too. It's how using willpower, saying no - builds your muscles
  • A Battle-Strategy Work-Out Willpowering Building Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit shares a strategy from Rabbeinu Yona on how to strengthen our spiritual muscles and learn to say NO to unwanted desires. Note: Talks about iskafya






  • THE CAPSULE PLAN A practical eitza on how to fight back against the Yetzer Hara with the great gift that we receive on Shavuos!
  • THE LIGHT IN THE DARK No one enjoys the period of the 3 weeks. But what is hidden in this darkness?
  • The Shofar of Elul Seasonal Rabbi Yosef Viener explains how Hashem's glory is uplifted when we put up fences and safeguards for ourselves.
  • The Battle of Life Seasonal As we begin the new year, Rav Avigdor Miller Zatza"l shares with us insights into the most important battle we face in our lives.
  • "And He Lifted up His Eyes" Seasonal Chanukah is a time for tikkun ha'einayim, and for learning to use our limbs and possessions for Hashem's sake.
  • THE MAIN GOAL OF SHOVAVIM Seasonal No matter what Mitzrayim a person might be in, our job is to BELIEVE that Hashem can take us out of it in a second!
  • Tehei Shnas Eiyin Tova Seasonal Rabbi Daniel Coren ushers in the new year of 5779 with some powerful inspiration!
  • CHODESH SHVAT Seasonal Thirsting for Torah drives away the Yetzer Hara!
  • The Start of Shovavim Seasonal Rabbi Daniel Coren encourages us to make good use of these special weeks.
  • Shovavim: Getting out of Mitzrayim Seasonal Rav Yisroel Brog explains why this time of year is mesugal to work on these inyanim.
  • 5 Chagim and 5 Senses Seasonal Rabbi Isaac Bakshi reveals which of the five senses corresponds to Kabalas Hatorah, which we just read about in Parshas Yisro.
  • The Meaning of Yesod Seasonal Rabbi Eli Mansour helps us wind up the weeks of Shovavim with some practical tikkunim and an explanation about the meaning of Yesod.
  • Going Free Through an Eye Seasonal Rabbi Lazer Brody speaks about the Din (in this week's Parsha) that a servant goes free if his master knocks out an eye - and how that relates to us.
  • PESACH SHEINI - EXCUSES Seasonal We may have good excuses why we can't be strong in Shmiras Einayim, but Pesach Sheini teaches us an important lesson about excuses.
  • Where can Haman be found in the Torah? Seasonal Yaakov, GYE Founder, discusses where the root of Haman's evil comes from, and how we can overcome Amalek with the Simcha of Purim.
  • When can we say we're WINNING? Seasonal Yaakov from GYE shows how the Sefiras Ha'omer hides a message to us about our struggles.
  • Bilam, Pinchas and the 17th of Tamuz Seasonal Yaakov analyzes the connection between Bilam's Eitzah and today's Fast.
  • I've done Teshuvah a thousand times! Seasonal Some of our boost members may be struggling with more than just occasional slips in shmiras einayim, and they may have tried to stop many times and still find themselves back again at square one. Yaakov Nadel, GYE Co-Founder, suggests 4 steps to help us make THIS Yom Kippur finally different.
  • PHARAOH & THE YETZER HARA Seasonal There are some fascinating parallels between the Pharaoh's responses to the plagues and our own Yetzer Hara's refusal to fully submit to Hashem's will.
  • PURIM KATAN - LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS Seasonal What was the root of Haman's evil, and ultimately the very _cause_ of his downfall?
  • PURIM Seasonal How can Hashem ask of us to be happy? It's something we either feel or we don't!
  • ROSH HASHANA CHALLENGE Seasonal What can we do to show Hashem that we really want to be good and tip the scales in our favor this Rosh Hashana? <a href="" target="_blank">CLICK HERE TO JOIN</a>
  • The Power of Pesach Sheini Seasonal Yaakov from GYE illustrates the idea that Pesach Sheini represents of a "second chance" for those who struggle.
  • WHY ACHASHVEIROSH RESPECTED ESTHER Seasonal What type of behavior commands people's respect?
  • MORDECHAI DID THE RIGHT THING Seasonal When we know what Hashem's will is, nothing else should be a consideration!
  • LEAVING MITZRAYIM Seasonal We remember Yetziyas Mitzrayim every day because we are commanded to lift ourselves above the physical temptations that surround us.
  • TEHILLIM DURING SHOVAVIM Seasonal There's nothing like the sweet words of Tehillim to help us do Teshuvah and bring us closer to Hashem.
  • TODAY'S SEUDAS ACHASHVEIROSH Seasonal If Achashveirosh's Seudah was today, frum people would never go, right? ...Or would we?
  • The Myriads of Excuses Seasonal Rav Yisroel Brog speaks about how people tend to think they have struggles no one else has, and how SHOVAVIM is the time we can all leave Mitzrayim.
  • Why does Hashem sometimes bring us to falls? Seasonal This inspiring message from Yaakov, GYE Founder, can help make our Teshuvah more meaningful this Yom Kippur.
  • What we can learn from the Meraglim Seasonal Rav Yaakov Hillel portrays the parallels between the challenges the Yidden faced before entering Eretz Yisroel and the challenges we face today.
  • LET ME OUT OF THE CAR! Seasonal "Chodesh Av: Don't cut down ON Simcha, cut down WITH Simcha!".
  • THE REAL BATTLE Seasonal - Ki Teitzei Where does the Yetzer Hara throw all his ammunition?
  • The Beauty in the Process Normalization - being Okay with the process, Seasonal " In spiritual matters, the ""destination"" is not the goal. The very process of growing, with all its ups and downs, is what makes the results so beautiful in the end. So don't worry if your growth seems slow and full of disappointments. As long as you are trying and making progress, the journey itself is the most precious thing in Hashem's eyes!" טעם העץ כטעם הפרי - good for sukkos - normalization
  • NO CHOMETZ TO CLEAN? Seasonal What does Hashem want to teach us with the mitzva of being "chometz free" on Pesach? Note: Yiddish
  • FROM ANIMAL TO HUMAN Seasonal What does the freedom of Pesach symbolize?
  • Searching for the Jug of Oil "Rabbi YY Jacobson exhorts us to never stop searching for the jug of pure oil in our lives."
  • RABBI SHIMON'S ADVOCACY The meaning behind Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai's cryptic words - and their power on Lag Ba'Omer.
  • Fake or Real? Yaakov, Founder of GYE, discusses what is truly real in this world, and how it relates to Sukkos.
  • WHEN THE SEA FINALLY SPLITS In continuation of the idea in Boost #318 (; why did the Yidden still need to experience this last miraculous salvation from Pharoah with the splitting of the sea?
  • NAASEH VE'NISHMA AND SURRENDER In continuation of the idea in Boost #327 (; After Kriyas Yam Suf, why did we still need Kabalas HaTorah?
  • THE SECRET OF BRIS (Kabalas HaTorah - Part 2) Is the daam habris (Blood of the Treaty) at Kabalas HaTorah related to Shmiras Habris?
  • Yom Kippur vs. Sukkos The Secret to Real Joy: Why does Sukkos follow Yom Kippur, and what does that teach us about achieving true happiness?
  • Aveiros in Your Hand Rabbi Tzvi Mordechai Feldheim explains who was afraid of sin and went back home instead of going to war, in this week's Parsha.
  • Perfection vs. Imperfection A great lesson from Sukkos to take with us into the new Winter zman... The 4 Minim, with all their chumras of perfection, symbolize our Avodah, which we need to try and do as perfectly as we can. But the Sukkah, with it's many kulos, symbolizes Hashem's view of our Avodah. As long as we make an effort, He looks at it as perfect, even with all its imperfections.
  • TAMING THE BEAST Eating Matza on Pesach seems counterintuitive, what's the secret behind it?
  • Messiras Nefesh Just like in the days of Haman, today's Persia--modern-day Iran--wants to wipe the Jewish people off the map. Rabbi Yissocher Frand reveals the secret of how we can overcome Yishmael today, and what Messiras Nefesh really means.
  • THE VERY FIRST MITZVAH What's the significance of the Mitzva of Kiddush Ha'chodesh that it was the very first Mitzva given to Klal Yisrael in Mitzrayim?
  • THE BREAD IN THE PESACH WATER An inspiring story from the Magid of Chernoble that can give us deep insight into our struggle with the Yetzer Hara.
  • "WHO WILL GIVE US FLESH?" What can we learn from the "asafsuf" who lusted for meat in this week's parsha?
  • OUR OWN MERAGLIM The striking parallel between the story of the Meraglim and our daily struggles with emunah and shmiras einayim.
  • BRINGING FORTH WATER FROM A ROCK Why did Moshe hit the rock instead of speaking to it, and what can we learn from this story for our struggles?
  • THE DAUGHTERS OF MOAV Four important lessons that we can learn from the story of the Jewish people's sinning in Shitim.
  • THE ANIMALS OF THE FIELD Why does Hashem leave enemies in Eretz Yisroel, and what can that teach us about the Yetzer Hara?
  • THE GIANTS OF CANAAN The meraglim claimed that we can't beat giants. But what did Yehoshua and Calev respond, and what can we learn from that about our struggle with the Yetzer Hara?
  • Yitchak's Eyes Why was Hashem sure Yitzchak wouldn't sin?
  • Fighting Throughout The Night What mussar can we learn from the following Halacha of Chanukah: "If one lights the Menorah properly and it gets extinguished before 30 minutes, one is not responsible to relight it."
  • TRY YOUR BEST AND HASHEM WILL DO THE REST Why did Hashem show Moshe how to make the Menorah and then end up making it for him?
  • AS GOES IN, SO IT GOES OUT We need to purify ourselves in the same way we kosher vessels for Pesach.
  • CLEAN SLATE Pesach is a time where Hashem doesn't have any prejudgments about us. Our nation was born even from within the 49th level of impurity.
  1. Geoff Colvin, Talent Is Overrated: What Really Separates World-Class Performers from Everybody Else.  New York: Penguin Group, 2008. Page 187. cited in and