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Note: Probably fringe science - producing neurogenesis is REALLY really hard and you need to prove with serious studies that you have produced that effect. for example, prolonged high-intensity exercise produces neurogenesis, i.e. heavy physical or mental training  @Florin


  • Each week of the programme also includes a ‘pillar’. The pillars are helpful devices to further your immersion in the process of recovery; they consist of some phrases for you to repeat to yourself on a regular basis. There is an introductory pillar at the end of this chapter, followed by 10 more pillars which you will find at the end of each of the chapters that comprise the recovery programme. I would suggest that you read the pillar given in each chapter three times a day during that week of the programme: once in the morning, once during the day and finally, out loud before you go to bed. The purpose of this repetitious behaviour is to create ‘neurogenesis’. Each time you read the pillar, it creates an effect in the brain that keeps you in recovery mode and reinforces a commitment to recovery. You can go back and reread pillars that you have used before and found particularly helpful. However, I would suggest that you avoid reading them all at once or rushing on ahead to read them. Birchard, Thaddeus. Overcoming Sex Addiction . Taylor and Francis. Kindle Edition.
  • We use the original pillars in our treatment programme and ask that men recite the pillar of the week three times a day, the last one being recited out loud. The amended versions are given in Hall’s book Understanding and Treating Sexual Addiction (2013). The recitation of the pillars is just one part of the process of neurogenesis. Birchard, Thaddeus. CBT for Compulsive Sexual Behaviour (p. 85). Taylor and Francis. Kindle Edition.