Remembering the Pros of Abstinence

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Sometimes when we have an urge, our thinking becomes blurred, and we can't remember why we decided to quit. To use this technique summarize the list of benefits of staying clean (if you've done a Cost - Benefit Analysis - CBA, you'll can take the list from there), and keep it handy. Then next time you have an urge, read the list and think about the great benefits you'll gain if you resist the urge.  

The Candeo Program has this built into their FRC technique.

Torah Sources

  • See Shmiras Einayim > Rav Friedlander's Positive Approach.
  • See Battle of the Generation p. 127-9: We can regain our clarity when caught off guard by isolating our logical and emotion parts and clarifying what each one wants. Similarly, we can do this by clarifying what our enemy the yetzer hara wants and what we want. • Another method to overcome confusion is to write down the probable outcomes of the choices we are deciding between. • A great way to maintain our clarity is to remind ourselves about our loving relationship with Hashem, Who is begging us to succeed and only brought about this challenge for us to attain greatness by winning!

From GYE Members

  • Day #134! Just saying I had big urges to act out tonight, but what's the point in having 30 sec enjoyment which will cause me 30 days of feeling depressed! P.s. honestly this mindset is the only thing currently keeping me clean.... #Shnitzel and kugel