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== In Torah Sources ==
להעתיק מוהאר עיננו עמוד עא - עח.
== Torah Sources ==
* In Cheshbon Hanefesh, Lapin, Ch. 31, he differentiates between a slip and a "sunset" שקיעה, i.e. negative ''trends''. He talks about taking it easy (מנוחת הנפש בכדי שלא יתייאש). Trying to use it as a learning opportunity, study the trend (מהירות מהלך השקיעה), try to reach stability or to slow the downward spiral (עמידת מהלך השקיעה או עמידת מהלך מהירתו), and then turn it around.
=== Beware of despair ===
=== Beware of despair ===
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* [https://guardyoureyes.com/articles/rabbi-twerski/item/before-and-after?category_id=292 Before and after by Rabbi Twerski]
* [https://guardyoureyes.com/articles/rabbi-twerski/item/before-and-after?category_id=292 Before and after by Rabbi Twerski]
== Torah Sources ==
* In Cheshbon Hanefesh, Lapin, Ch. 31, he differentiates between a slip and a "sunset" שקיעה, i.e. negative ''trends''. He talks about taking it easy (מנוחת הנפש בכדי שלא יתייאש). Trying to use it as a learning opportunity, study the trend (מהירות מהלך השקיעה), try to reach stability or to slow the downward spiral (עמידת מהלך השקיעה או עמידת מהלך מהירתו), and then turn it around.
=== Let go of the past ===
=== Let go of the past ===

Revision as of 22:53, 30 November 2020

להעתיק מוהאר עיננו עמוד עא - עח.

Torah Sources

  • In Cheshbon Hanefesh, Lapin, Ch. 31, he differentiates between a slip and a "sunset" שקיעה, i.e. negative trends. He talks about taking it easy (מנוחת הנפש בכדי שלא יתייאש). Trying to use it as a learning opportunity, study the trend (מהירות מהלך השקיעה), try to reach stability or to slow the downward spiral (עמידת מהלך השקיעה או עמידת מהלך מהירתו), and then turn it around.

Beware of despair


Let go of the past

ויאמר המלט על נפשך אל תביט אחריך..... ההרה המלט פן תספה- הרמז לכל אדם שאומרים לו תמיד המלט על נפשך מיצה"ר ובאיזה מצב שרק נמצא אל תביט אחריך על העבר שלא היה טוב שיצה"ר רוצה בזה לייאש את האדם ואל תעמוד שלא יישאר לעמוד במקומו אלא ההרה המלט פן תספה" [לב שמחה אמרים פר' וירא]

Yerida Tzorech Aliya

ברכת פרץ, פרשת במדבר, שכ’ וז”ל-- באמת עצם ההשתדלות עצמו היא עבודה קדושה וחשובה לפני המקום ב”ה, ( שהרי הוא עוסק בעבודתו ית’ שמו, ואפילו אילו יהא מצבו כך כל ימי חייו, זהו תכליתו בעולמו, וכש”כ שבאמת לא לעולם יהא מצבו ככה, כי סוף סוף זוכה לסייעתא דשמיא ויהא לבו ער לעבודתו ית”ש בלא דחיפות תכופות שע”י נפילות, ונמצא, שהנפילות הללו וירידה זו צורך עלייה הוא ]אכן יש בזה סכנה גדולה, כי רבים נפלו ונשאר שבורים וצריך לבקש רחמים רבים להנצל מזה[, ומיד כשחוזר ומתחזק לעלות תמיד במעלות הקודש, יש תועלת רב בהנפילות הללו; עכ”ל.

Hashem sometimes orchestrates a fall

''הבעש''ט ז''ל אמר על הפסוק הוא ינהגנו על מות מלשון עלמות כמו שמלמדין התינוק לילך מחזיקין אותו קצת וכשהתינוק יכול לילך קצת מרחיקין ממנו קצת וכשיכול יותר מרחיקין ממנו יותר הגם שלפעמים נופל אחר כך אף א על פי כן זה רצון האב שיפול ויעמיד את עצמו וזה פירוש הפסוק בשכבך ובקומך דהיינו תיכף  כשתשכב יעמוד אז ועל יפול מזה לזה וזהו כרע שכב כארי'' [אמרי אמת פר' כי תבא כז/ח]

Chizuk from GYE Members

Every moment counts

  • I realize that the difference between all of the fighting that I have done until now and my current battle is that I have always focused on my success in terms of my ability to stay clean forever. This has not allowed me to appreciate small successes. Every time that I felt the YH strengthening, I felt that the point of the fight was gone. After all, eventually I would succumb anyhow. After that I would inevitably get depressed and feel that I wasted my time and effort (and gave up a bunch of potentially pleasure opportunities along the way). But in my short time on his program, however, and by reading the handbooks, I have come to appreciate every moment as an accomplishment. This is true in terms of Zechuyos and in terms of steps towards recovery. Also, by reading about the progression of this disease I can realize that every time that I turn away, I have avoided getting myself deeper into trouble. This is true at any time, whether I am counting days or not. I truly hope that this journey is one that I will be on forever, but right now I am taking it one day at a time and I am thankful to Hashem that He has lead me to be part of this wonderful forum. @Hoping

Don't roll down the mountain

  • Imagine a guy is climbing a mountain for 23 days, he's high up. Then he falls in a ditch, and he bangs himself all up. He gets the choice now: He can either to roll down the hill, and be back at square one. Or he can get up, sit on the edge of the ditch which he fell into it. He can bandage his knees, he can enjoy the scenery while he recuperates from them. The same thing is with you. You kept yourself clean for 23 days, which you never did before. And now you watched pornography and masturbated. You didn't roll down the hill. You're in control. You're able to deal with this. We're all human. We all slip and fall once in a while. It's okay. Move on, get up and move on. This time you might go 40 days until you slip. And you'll keep getting better. The GYE chart might say 40 days, but you're really 63. Some guys binge after a fall, they'll spend six days up till four in the morning, watching pornography and masturbating until can't produce any more sperm. And then they reach out for help. They just rolled down to the bottom of the Hill. #HashemHelpMe
  • A wonderful user here called "sleepy" just recently wrote something beautiful. "You didn't fail, you fell". Remember, falling down after a month of climbing means you are still way, way up the mountain already. #Grant400[1]

Look at the trends

  • Keep their own cheshbon of porn and masturbation. Because sometimes you have guys that have b"h stopped porn and they just can't yet stop the masturbation, specifically, single guys. Don't look at it that you're at a zero now. Look at it that masturbation is starting again. But pornography, you're there for 150 days. You haven't watched porn in half a year, isn't that incredible? Go back two years ago, you used to watch it every day for three hours. You've made incredible progress. You've got to compare yourself to the past. #HashemHelpMe
  • When guys fall, I also like tell them statistics. I said, okay, fine. So you saw now after 23 days, so that means that in the period of a year, you may do it about 15 times. Compare that to the past - you used to do it 15 times in two weeks! Which means that you used to do it 315 a year, figure out the math... With a lot of people it's just אין חבוש מתיר עצמו מבית האסורים, they need someone else for logic. Just to point out to them what their up to. Here's what I often say: If you had a Baal Teshuva friend, he's starting to keep Mitzvos and everything else. And he drives past the McDonald's and he's all excited. And he goes in and he eats a cheeseburger. What are you gonna tell him? That he's an oisvorf? That's he's finished? Or are you going to tell him, look, "you didn't go to McDonald's the last 132 days. Okay. This is the last time you went, let's move on." Or let's take Shmiras Shabbos. There are 39 Melachos, with so many details and the guy messes up with one thing. Are you gonna tell that he's an oisvorf? No. You're gonna tell him that Rome wasn't built in a day, and Yiddishkeit is about constant growth. And you were given an, this area more than let's say me. And you were given this nisoyon in this area more than me, because I grew up being Shomer Shabbos, so it doesn't enter my mind to turn a light switch. And iy"h you're going to get there. Keep on going, look where you're up to! It's amazing. So why won't you tell that to yourself? Why when it comes to pornography and masturbation, is it all or nothing. #HashemHelpMe
  • One last point. I find it incredible how when being in touch with one who has fallen after a long streak, how besides the initial understandable disappointment, there is so much blinding yi'ush. Here is a guy who went from acting out numerous times a week - let's say 200 times a year, or more, and has gone to 1, 2, or 3 times a year. If that is not a success, what is? What is so shocking is that when you point out this obvious fact, the response is almost always," Hey, you are right! Thanks. Now I can get back on track". Why can't people see this themselves? Curious if anyone can explain. #Higher

Setbacks are part of the process

  • We are rooting for you and you can do it!!! SHEVA yipol tzadik vkam. Good people FALL more than once and that itself is how we grow to great heights! I am no at 270 days clean and my last streak was 272...BUT I fell in between MANY times....Don't be down about a fall even if you had one back to back. KNOW that Hashem wants you to succeed and that you have the ability to do so! Seva Yipol Tzadik...VKAM. If you keep giving it your best, then eventually you WILL get back up. #Realestatemogul [2]
  • A long post on this by @Sonoftheking.

Dealing with the AVE

  • Here's an idea I use to stop the continuing effect of a fall. Do something that says to you that it's over. Meaning, that if you fall again or are tempted to fall again it is like falling for the first time of a new round and not a continuous fall from the past time. For example, take a shower, give tzedaka or learn a bit of mussar and say to Hashem "I am starting over". Create anything or invent any idea that says clearly that the past behavior is over. I'm starting anew. What this does is, it stops the feeling of "If I fall again nothing changed, when I stop I'll start over". It gives you the guilt of breaking a new streak instead of feeling discouraged and continuing the original fall. #Grant400[3]
  • In my experience the most difficult part of the battle is getting back up after a fall. By far. It's not easy, and requires a boatload of resolve. But you've done it before and you can do it again. #Jj123[4]

Get right back up

  • in June I fell ending a 10 month streak. Try to bounce back - before you know it you can regain the momentum. It's very helpful to have someone to call to get through this periodwhen the nasty feelings of  Yiush starts making noise in your head. @i-man

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