Category:Urge Management Strategies

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Instead of acting on an urge one can use Urge Management Strategies to cope with the urge.

When you have an urge to do something, the urge will usually go away by itself after a short time. If you have an urge to scratch a mosquito bite, how long does the itch last if you do nothing? Maybe a few minutes. A shark bite may be a different matter.

The same thing happens when you engage in behavioral urges. If you do nothing, the urge will be gone in a few minutes. The exact amount of time will vary from person to person, but it rarely lasts longer than 20 minutes (That is unless you are purposely fantasizing etc.). That’s right. We promise that if you don’t give in to the urge, you won’t explode; it will eventually get weaker and disappear. The following techniques are about training yourself to withhold from acting on the urge until the urge has passed.

As you practice these techniques for a few weeks, your brain will start unlearning the habit of masturbating or watching porn, and over time, the urges will become less intense and less frequent.